A Short History

The St. Philip’s Parish House has been a part of many children’s lives in its 120-year history. It has served as home to Sunday School for the families of the congregation. During the early 1940s, an “informal” nursery school was held in the rectory. In the late 1940s, the church offered a kindergarten in the Parish House. From 1948-1950, the Garrison School rented the Parish House for their kindergarten and first grade classes, as well as in some years for a gym.
St. Philip’s Nursery School, as it has continued until today, began in the Parish House in 1960. At that time, a nursery school was being run in the home of Anne Osborn Prentice. Vestryman Alexander Saunders proposed the establishment of a nursery school in the Parish House, assimilating the Prentice school. A Vestry committee consisting of Alexander Saunders, Edwin Gasperini and Henry P. Dain was appointed to oversee the project, assisted by a committee of Willy Roda, Abby Cain, and Jeannette Anthony. The Nursery School opened in September 1960.
St. Philip’s Nursery School then and now are similar in many ways. Enrolling three and four-year-old children with an emphasis on the uniqueness of each child and a commitment to the importance of play, art and music have always been a part of the philosophy. The first Nursery School director based the program on the developmental approach of the Wimpfheimer Nursery School at Vassar College. “Rabbits” and “ducks” have been the terms to designate the two age groups since 1966, after one year of “rabbits” and “squirrels”. The mixed age approach has also been a constant, dictated somewhat by the configuration of the Parish House building. A simple non-denominational chapel service has evolved into daily meeting time.
Enrollment has varied over the years, reflecting demographic trends in Garrison, and, increasingly, Cold Spring. For the last ten years, total annual enrollment has been between 25 and 42 children with about half of the families from Garrison and half from Cold Spring. Families from Beacon, Cortlandt Manor, Putnam Valley, Carmel, Highland Falls, Fort Montgomery, West Point, Fishkill, Hopewell Jct., Wappingers Falls, and Peekskill have also been represented.
The Nursery School is the most significant outreach program of St. Philip's Church. The Nursery School is intended to be of service to the St. Philip’s family and to the community, including offering flexible tuition. Tuition revenues cover teacher salaries and daily supplies. St. Philip's Church provides the space and covers all utility and maintenance costs. Fundraising helps with larger equipment needs. A vestry-appointed committee has assisted with the Nursery School operation. A non-sectarian approach has always been a part of the school philosophy.
St. Philip’s Nursery School celebrated their 50th Anniversary in May of 2011 with a series of community events to celebrate the occasion and raise funds for a sign. This sign, adjacent to Route 9D, not only identifies the St. Philip’s Parish House as the home of the Nursery School, but also displays our famous “duck” and “rabbit” which were created by Lawrence Di Fiori for our school logo. Lawrence, a renowned children’s literature illustrator, was the father of one of our alumnae, Larson.
Anne Prentice was the first director from 1960-1972. Carol Seabolt served as director from 1972-1980 and Adele Williams from 1980 until her untimely death in 2002. Anita Prentice held the position from June 2003 to January 2009. JoAnne Chadwick began teaching at St. Philip's over 30 years ago, after teaching in the local area public schools for an additional 10 years. She was appointed Director in February 2009 and retired in June 2020. Anita Prentice came back after retiring from Peekskill School District and was the Interim Director from June 2020 to June 2021.
Betsy Alberty is the current Director as of June 2021.
St. Philip’s Nursery School, as it has continued until today, began in the Parish House in 1960. At that time, a nursery school was being run in the home of Anne Osborn Prentice. Vestryman Alexander Saunders proposed the establishment of a nursery school in the Parish House, assimilating the Prentice school. A Vestry committee consisting of Alexander Saunders, Edwin Gasperini and Henry P. Dain was appointed to oversee the project, assisted by a committee of Willy Roda, Abby Cain, and Jeannette Anthony. The Nursery School opened in September 1960.
St. Philip’s Nursery School then and now are similar in many ways. Enrolling three and four-year-old children with an emphasis on the uniqueness of each child and a commitment to the importance of play, art and music have always been a part of the philosophy. The first Nursery School director based the program on the developmental approach of the Wimpfheimer Nursery School at Vassar College. “Rabbits” and “ducks” have been the terms to designate the two age groups since 1966, after one year of “rabbits” and “squirrels”. The mixed age approach has also been a constant, dictated somewhat by the configuration of the Parish House building. A simple non-denominational chapel service has evolved into daily meeting time.
Enrollment has varied over the years, reflecting demographic trends in Garrison, and, increasingly, Cold Spring. For the last ten years, total annual enrollment has been between 25 and 42 children with about half of the families from Garrison and half from Cold Spring. Families from Beacon, Cortlandt Manor, Putnam Valley, Carmel, Highland Falls, Fort Montgomery, West Point, Fishkill, Hopewell Jct., Wappingers Falls, and Peekskill have also been represented.
The Nursery School is the most significant outreach program of St. Philip's Church. The Nursery School is intended to be of service to the St. Philip’s family and to the community, including offering flexible tuition. Tuition revenues cover teacher salaries and daily supplies. St. Philip's Church provides the space and covers all utility and maintenance costs. Fundraising helps with larger equipment needs. A vestry-appointed committee has assisted with the Nursery School operation. A non-sectarian approach has always been a part of the school philosophy.
St. Philip’s Nursery School celebrated their 50th Anniversary in May of 2011 with a series of community events to celebrate the occasion and raise funds for a sign. This sign, adjacent to Route 9D, not only identifies the St. Philip’s Parish House as the home of the Nursery School, but also displays our famous “duck” and “rabbit” which were created by Lawrence Di Fiori for our school logo. Lawrence, a renowned children’s literature illustrator, was the father of one of our alumnae, Larson.
Anne Prentice was the first director from 1960-1972. Carol Seabolt served as director from 1972-1980 and Adele Williams from 1980 until her untimely death in 2002. Anita Prentice held the position from June 2003 to January 2009. JoAnne Chadwick began teaching at St. Philip's over 30 years ago, after teaching in the local area public schools for an additional 10 years. She was appointed Director in February 2009 and retired in June 2020. Anita Prentice came back after retiring from Peekskill School District and was the Interim Director from June 2020 to June 2021.
Betsy Alberty is the current Director as of June 2021.